Thursday, November 19, 2009

Katie Holmes has a new hair cut; a new version of the old page boy cut. What name does it?

go by now? The cut is just below chin length and turns under. The bangs are not long at all but just barley above the eyebrows. What do hair stylists call this particular cut??

Katie Holmes has a new hair cut; a new version of the old page boy cut. What name does it?

its called a bob. i have my styled similar to hers. google "bob" and you'll see dozens of pictures of different types of bobs.

Edit: She's not copying Posh because the bob has been around for years. Posh just revamped the style and made it popular again. Besides, Katie's is a much more conservative version.

Katie Holmes has a new hair cut; a new version of the old page boy cut. What name does it?

the posh?

Katie Holmes has a new hair cut; a new version of the old page boy cut. What name does it?

If you want your hair cut this way, just print out a pic of Katie and give it to your stylist.

Katie Holmes has a new hair cut; a new version of the old page boy cut. What name does it?

It's a wedge. She's COPYING Posh Spice (Mz. Beckham).

I want a really cute hair cut with side bangs not to much but to kind of cover my eyes I'm 12 w

I just want a cute hair cut that would suite my age [12] and my hair. My hair is really dark brown and about 2 or 3 inches down from my shoulder. Thanks %26lt;3

I want a really cute hair cut with side bangs not to much but to kind of cover my eyes I'm 12 whats cute for m

layer your hair.

side-part your bangs. and make the bangs go diagonally from the face down.

leave the length alone.

side parts look better with long hair.

i have that style. =]

I want a really cute hair cut with side bangs not to much but to kind of cover my eyes I'm 12 whats cute for m

The answer above sounds cute. Try and keep

your hair out of your eyes. When you read it will strain your eyes and you may end up needing glasses. The style you get should depend on how much time you want to spend fussing with your hair.

I want a really cute hair cut with side bangs not to much but to kind of cover my eyes I'm 12 whats cute for m

what i did and i am 12 and i wanted the exact same thing you did. side bangs on both sides and my hair is about the same lenghth as yours. What i would do is get side bangs on both sides of your head, and layer it, and get ur hair angeld.

that would look so pretty! that is the new style for teenage girls!

best of wishes!

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

i just got back from getting mine cute and I HATE IT! nad i told her so.. : / she took way to much off and then she "tryed" to fix it : [ i look like a boy!! its so short, i have really curly hair! but anyways......when was your last hair cut? : ] thanks all and have a great weekend!

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

aw... sorry about that! i just got mine cut about 3 weeks ago.. i only get it cut like 2 or 3 times a year, it grows soooo slowly!! my mom layered it for me and i really like it, though it's a little too short. yeah, my hair's curly too

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

oh no!!!!!!!!!! yeah last week at the mall!!!

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

a month ago. yes i think that it is the best haircut i have had in years

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

sorry to hear about your bad hair day.

I got mine just cut back about 1 month ago now, the stylist did a great job.

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

Yesterday. Pretty much- she's the first one that got me relatively close to what I wanted. She could've feathered the back instead of lopping it off straight, but hey, it will be back in 6 weeks.

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

C... i live in iowa for 8 yrs, but im from brazil...

so the only way i get my hair 'cut the way i like'', i have to go to brazil.

Last time i cuted my hair was 2 yrs ago... ;-)

Its about time for a trim, so im going in

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

thats soooo sad! i got a hair cut too, but awhile ago. i didnt like mine too much. but at least it wasnt too short. i feel sooo bad for u! since ur hair is curly y dont u try straightening it? or take a shower then blow dry it. that will make it straight and a bit longer! hope it helps!

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

humm couple days ago monday i believe it was, i wasnt 100% positive at first but i like it now

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

I got my hair cut about a month and a half ago and I hated it and still do. It looks nothing like what I wanted and the layers are WAY to short on the left side of my head. It's just wrong. It will takes ages to grow out. I'm really starting to believe there are no hair dressers out there that listen or cut hair nicely. I really want to say I'm done letting anyone cut my hair, but I know this mess will have to be cut at some point and I'm scared of that. Sorry about your hair,I totally know how you feel.

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

I just got my hair trimmed a few weeks ago... I have long hair, and I got it cut a couple inches, so it's still long... I think I'll go shorter, but not too much. I like it, but I still need more change.

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

...sorry bout the bad haircut..but it'll grow back soon enough...but i got my haircut today and i luv it...its mid length and short layering from my cheeks down..and my hair is straight so i think it looks nice...well...thats the lady when shes cutting your u know shes doin it right..

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

like last april..i know its long time ago but yea..i got the smallest trim and some light layers and the lady cut it too much, and since i have such curly hair, the hairs in the front went a little shorter than they needed to, so i was really pissed off, but it grew out and i love my hair at its length now...its long, and it grew out into long layers. i wanna trim it, but my mom is like no i guess i'm sticking with what it

When was your last hair cut? and did you like it?

yesterday i love love love it i can do really cute pigtails wait i dun wanta look like my SISTER!

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

My 4 year old daughter has been telling me that she wants to cut her hair. I have NEVER cut her hair or let anyone else for that matter, it's down to her butt/hips area. I'm fine with letting her get it cut now that I feel she can make that type of decision on her own, but am wondering where I could find some help as to what type of cut to allow her to pick out? and where I might be able to find some pictures of kids' hair styles?

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

She might just want it shorter. A simple, straight cut at her shoulders might work. It'll be long enough you can still put it up in pigtails or braids or a ponytail and short enough that it isn't a hassle.

^ Has a lot of pictures, but it's basic hair cuts in different styles.

^Older children'_Ha...

^best site I found

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

Go to the hair salon most have books with kids cuts in the back of the books of women's cuts

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

Most hair stylists have books for you to look at...and also they can make suggestions.

I would encourage you to hurry up on this venture though as many children her age will give up and decide to do the job themselves... Thus leaving you with no decision on how to style it...

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

just let her get it cut shorter than it is now and don't worry about a style of any kind. She probably won't be interested in keeping it styled every day. Just let her be 4 years old and have her hair be shorter than it is now. No biggie.

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

look online for kids hairstyles, google it. if it were my child, id let her pick what she wanted. shes only 4 so its not like shes going to pick a mohawk and want to dye it green. if she wants it really short, she should be able to get it done that way. you obviously like her hair long so maybe once its short she'll realize she liked it long as well. or if she doesnt then look at it this way, itll be easier to take care of and a whole lot less hot in the summer. plus if she gets it cut really short you can dontate the hair to locks of love.

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

aww how sweet, my daughter is 3 and i never have cut her hair either.

Im scared to. I saw the jennifer anniston haircut on a 5 year old yesterday and it was soo pretty.

My daughters hair is curly at the ends and its hard to manage but doesnt stop me!

If you dont want to really cut her hair, get layers in it or a trim or her bangs cut or something.

i know in texas they have a kids salon. hair, nails, pedicures... called sassy salon.. they dont do anything extreme, but its super fun.

i woul just go to the salon or search under yahoo or google for kids haircuts.

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

Most salons have books that you can look through. I'm just curious, if her hair is that long would you consider donating it to one of the charities that make wigs for children with cancer? Locks of love is an organization that uses real hair to help out sick kids That way she would get a new hairstyle and be helping out other children at the same time.

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

Go to a salon and they will have books. But grab a Sunday paper and just look threw the adds. There are all kinds of adds that show kids clothing... You can look at them and have her start getting ideas. Same with some of the websites that show off childrens clothing.

Remember to save a clipping for the baby book, if this is her first hair cut.

If she really wants it short just remind her that it will not go up in a pony tail that way. But it will take some of the weight off her had and let her be cooler. She could even lose a couple of pounds LOL.

Have fun.

Hugs Kim Lynn

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

Go to they have alot of pictures of cute styles for little girls.

Hope it helps!

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

Well if you do research in your area you might be able to find a kid friendly hair salon that is designed for children and will know what types of cuts will look good. First ask her if she will like it long or short and go from there, remember hair grows back and she can change the style another time.

My 4 year old wants to get her hair cut..?

coming from a hairstylist, and a mother. Its not hard to pick something out that's easy. to make your little girl feel important then tell them to trim the bangs and take it up to mid back. and then that's still long enough and easy enough to handle....

good luck

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

I just got my hair cut today, and I hate it! I liked it better the way it was! I asked her to trim my side bangs, and she made them into tiny full bangs - which I don't like!

Have you got any tips on how to make it grow faster, or make it look like side bangs again?

Thanks heaps ;-)

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

nothing you can do but wait for it to grow out

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Drink lots of milk

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

wait a while...get whig...learn to like it.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Wash it...sometimes a bad haircut looks better

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

wear a hat

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

just chill, school dosent start until like 3 more weeks that's plenty of time for it to grow back...i think.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

I wouldnt worry too to much about might not like it...but what if some girl that you might find attractive does? I say just stick it out for now...before you know it, your hair will be back to how it was.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

put some bedhead mastermind on your fingers and brush it through your bangs. then style them to the side. =]

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

im not sure about that but try putting lots of moose in it and making it wavy because for the mean time its look great!!!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

You may want to go to a different stylist t start. Then, use Google to find pics of the style you ORIGINALLY wanted ( also try this site's style gallery, they have heaps! ), print it out and take it to the salon. It may not be possible to get the bangs you originally desired, but a good stylist can shatter the ends (make them less blunt) which will make them easier to grow out.

Good luck!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

THIS WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take BIOTIEN everyday in the highest amout you can get it!!

also NOURKIN will make your hair grow like crazy.. last year i cut my hair in a bob.. 14 months later its past my breast!!!!!!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Go to WalGreen or CVSPharmacy to get some hair-lengthen lotion or whatever...

if you do not like it now, try to hide by wearing hat or cap!

Good luck..

calm down and take not look at the mirror much..the more you look, the more you care, the more you feel bad...calm down is a key

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Well it's not going to grow any faster. If you're healthy, it'll just continue to grow at a regular rate.

Everyone gets at least one bad hair cut in their life, so it just happens. Basically you just have to make the best of it and do your hair so it will look good without the long bangs.

It sucks, but it happens.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

If you hate your bangs you can always use accessories to fix it. All you need is hairspray and bobby pins. Pull your bangs back and make a little hill in the center of your head with mostly only your bangs. Hair spray it. You can leave the rest down or even put it in a pony tail. I love having bangs, especially ones that fall a little over my face so I could look... Mysterious.. lol but I can't stand them most of the time! You can always pull your bangs back with a few bobby pins until they grow back to the way you like them. Use cute bow looking pins and accessories so people can pay attention to your added fashion besides your dreaded hair cut. Good luck, hair grows fast so don't worry!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

The same thing happened to me. I ask for her to cut off a couple inches and she took off much much more. I am taking GNC hair, skin, and nail formula. My hair is growing back faster and my nails are extremely healthy and strong. Its under 10 dollars a bottle and it works miracles. Good luck!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

try pinning then to the side with a bobby pin, and use some mouse, gel, or hairspray if they wont stay.

oh pin them back into a puff.

also protien helps hair growth.

and if you really want it to grow, maybe go to one of those natural stores, and they have hair growth supplements.

hope this helped. =]

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

i have heard that brushing your hair alot helps your hair to grow faster, especially the Fuller Brush... it helps your hair grow... like i've said...

Getting my hair cut tomorrow?

and i dont know what to do, i like my length, almost to the shoulder, but my bangs (if u can even call them that) i have a cowlick- when my hair isnt totally flat it like pops up in the front and my bangs are all misshapen and kinda to the side, i dont know what to tell her to do with them. i dont know if i should just get them cut rgular again, or what do u have any ideas

Getting my hair cut tomorrow?

It depends on your face shape. You should find a hair-stylist that knows what they are doing so they can tell you what is best for your face shape.

Here is a good site if you know your face shape:

Good Luck!! New styles are always exciting and stressful!

***** Ok, so if you have a round face I think that the hair style you chose would be great. I have a round face and to hide it a bit I do have bangs similar to Hilary Duff.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow?

Let you stylist know %26amp; ask for her advice.

Here are some articles to help you figure out if you can keep your current hair cut or if you should change.

Tips for blow drying your bangs to tame cowlicks:

How to pick flattering hair cuts for each face shape:

More photos of hair cuts organized by length:

I need a new hair cut for school!!?

my haircut now is to boring i need a good one maybe one with bangs. i have light brown hair with blonde highlights and its a little bit goes to my shoulders. i cant get a short hair cut because i need to be able to put it up for sports. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

I need a new hair cut for school!!?

i like

but this better

I need a new hair cut for school!!?


I need a new hair cut for school!!?

heavy sidebangs with a blunt straight across cut (no layers)

I need a new hair cut for school!!?

Get side bangs!

Make the bangs layer out from your cheekbone to look cuter.

I'm getting them too =)

Bring a picture in for your hair stylist so you can expect what your haircut to look like!

I need a new hair cut for school!!?

I need a new hair cut for school!!?

i suggest going to a hair website and looking at ones you like. i'd just say keep with the layers, but thats boring so go to a site.

I need a new hair cut for school!!?

i found these pics.

I just got a bad hair cut!?

i just got a bad haitcut, i told the barber to shape out the top of my haed cuz i wanna spike my hair, but he cut it realy realy short,ihe tried making it better but i still hate cant spike or nothing, is there a way i could make it grow faster

I just got a bad hair cut!?

usually guys' hair grow fast (like in 2 weeks) so the vitamines won't do u anything since they need more than 2 weeks. Just get a cool hat or something and maybe pull them back with hair conditionner

I just got a bad hair cut!?

try vitamin E...and get a hat

I just got a bad hair cut!?

Time machine

I just got a bad hair cut!?

Hang upside down when you hair is wet and the gravity will help pull your hair out of you head... Do this about 6 times a day...

I just got a bad hair cut!?

shave it off.

what do you have to loose?

be a man, don't be so vain about it.

I just got a bad hair cut!?

Not that I know of. You just gotta wait for it to grow on its own.

I just got a bad hair cut!?

well im tired of awnsering questions like theese... go back and demand your money back because the customer is allways right..

I just got a bad hair cut!?


I just got a bad hair cut!?

Go buy some prenatal vitamins, and a nice hat!

I just got a bad hair cut!?

eat vitamins, or you could shave your pubes and glues those to your head

I just got a bad hair cut!?


I just got a bad hair cut!?

Massage your scalp, and get out in the sunshine as much as possible. My hair always grows faster in the summertime, so I assume the Sun has something to do with it. The massage will increase blood flow to your scalp, and maybe make the hair grow quicker. By the way, this is a totally uneducated guess.

I just got a bad hair cut!?

shave it off and start from scratch....besides you probably look hot with a shaved head ;o)

I just got a bad hair cut!?

You really can't make your hair grow any faster. But in the meantime, give it a few days and see if you can't find a way to work with it.

Try some different products (gel, pomade, sprays, cremes) and see if that doesn't help get a look you like better.

I just got a bad hair cut!?

Saty indoors until it has grown back again.

Next time use a different barber.

Don't get agry - get even. March up and down outside the barber's shop with a suitable placard.

I just got a bad hair cut!?

ha ha

I just got a bad hair cut!?

I would be angry too, but that wouldn't get you anywhere.

Just wait for it to grow out and try not to attract too much attention to it.

I just got a bad hair cut!?

I will try to keep this in perspective for you.Be thankful your hair loss is due to a not so skilled hair stylist. Just think of those people of all ages and both genders who lose their hair due to cancer treatments.I've had some bad haircuts in my lifetime.I even had my mother give me a home perm when a Toni home perm was popular.I look at the pictures( oh yes, I have pics to memorialize the hairdo) and I always shudder when I see home perm kits in the store. Fortunately your hair wil grow out.

I just got a bad hair cut!?


I just got a bad hair cut!?

For you bi guy... just try to adapt to it. You don't have any quick options tho, and the next time go back and visit your old hair cutery... :)

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

i have an oval/diamond face. i have black straight hair; a little down my shoulders. i don't want the hair cut to be too short. i was thinking side bangs but others would be good. any ideas?

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

Layered w/ side bangs. Simple but stylish! =)


I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

Yes, go bald!

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

my friend has straight black hair and her bangs are the short ones that go across your forhead i think they are really cute. maybe you should try that

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

Well, you might not like this, but i got an assymetrical bob, ya know, the bob with one side shorter than the other. I like it pretty well, and it would look fabulous with straight black hair. I have an oval face, with light red hair, and i have had tons of people comment on how great it looks, and it is very easy to fix.

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

Side bangs are perfect for your face type and it is also very cute and fashionable! Since you have straight hair I would also recommend getting it layered to give it volume.

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

A layered bob is a fun, easy way to modernize the traditional bob. When cut correctly, it should lay flat when you blow it under, or funky with a little pomade or wax. The bob is the EASIEST haircut that I know of, and the layers add alot of great versatility.

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

i think side bangs are good.and get it layered.layered looks will look good anytime, anywhere and it doesnt make your hair look too long or too short.

I need a new hair cut that is simple yet cute that i can wear everyday?

Maybe a china doll bob or cut or layers on what you have know best of luck hope this helps.

How do i tell my barber how i want my hair cut?

the hair cut i want is some sort of fade where its really sharply lined up like ludacris's new hair. light on the sides and back turning darker at the top, but very detailedly cut. like a taper.

How do i tell my barber how i want my hair cut?

Bring in a picture and they will know what to do! :D

How do i tell my barber how i want my hair cut?

Take a picture and if your barber refuses to cut your hair the way you want find another barber. :-)

How do i tell my barber how i want my hair cut?

im a barber. tell them you want a shape up, thats what the sharp lines are, and for the fade part, just have him start with a larger guard on the clippers and have him work his way down if you want it shorter. well, hope that helps : )

I have naturally curly hair whats a good hair cut? I have a pic on my 360 if you`d like to check it

Please add pic of hair cut if possible

I have naturally curly hair whats a good hair cut? I have a pic on my 360 if you`d like to check it out?

My hair is naturally curly as well. My current style is long in the back shorter in the front. It works well if you straighten it out and if not it still looks good. People with curly hair look better with long hair.

I have naturally curly hair whats a good hair cut? I have a pic on my 360 if you`d like to check it out?

i think you should just grow ur hair long well actually if you straighten it would look betterr

I have naturally curly hair whats a good hair cut? I have a pic on my 360 if you`d like to check it out?

I think you should grow out your bangs %26amp; just get a few long layers cut into your hair to add a bit of dimension. Here's a photo to get an idea of what I'm describing:

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

I have long dark brown/black hair it is thick and wavy and goes to mid back and when I straighten it it goes right above my butt. My hair has always been super long but I want to change it so I want to do sometime of cut for it.

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

Your hair sounds really pretty. I'm actually going to do the same thing as you, I'm just waiting another month for my bangs to grow out a bit more to fit my new style. I went to ''. They have 'style search' where you enter your age, face shape, etc and you receive some style suggestions. They also have virtual hairstyles so you can see what different styles look like on your photo. If you do get your style short enough, get your stylist to cut off 10-12 inches in a ponytail so you can donate your hair to 'Locks of Love'. They will make a wig for a cancer patient out of your lovely hair.

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

have it layered like Christina Milian

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

cut off ten inches and send it to Locks of love so that your hair can be used for people who lost their hair in cancer. then have it layered with a little shorter near the front. It will look really cute!

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

Do it short and layered!

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

cut it to your neckline and try to keep it straight...thats the cutest I can think of.

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

I do not understand why you want to get rid of your crowning glory. If you do, you will be just like everyone else.

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

I would either try a shoulder-length bob since your face is heart-shaped or maybe cutting it so that it goes right beneath your shoulders (when straight) and having longer layers all around your head.

I want to get my hair cut but don't know which cut???

I reccomend long hair... ANd straight.. because, it will make you look thinner... anyways, here are tips for making your hair straight...

1. Conditioner for oily hair

I have naturally oily, straight hair and I used a shampoo with conditioner and then applied a leave-in conditoner to prevent static. It worked! I used mousse and a bit of hair spray and was static-free almost all day.

2. static....

i get static hair all the time...for short releif of it, use a dryer sheet. i dont know what it is that helps but it does! don't use it for very long though.

3. Moisturizer for hair Rebecca Featherston

Several years ago I was introduced to SEBASTION Potion #9. This is a leave in hair moisturizer, not a conditioner. It's used in place of, after you shampoo. Use it regularly throughout the winter months and you will notice a difference!

4. Winter hair rejuvination Rebecca

Get your hairstylist to color your hair with REDKIN SHADES...this is a conditioning, non-peroxide color wash, you can brighten your hair color by using the shades and mixing with clear to tone down to an acceptable level for your taste. This is a great treatment for the wintertime, it brightens your hair, and deep conditions it at the same time. You'll be hooked after one treatment!

5. Fly Away Hair

If you are having trouble with fly away hair try this. Rinse hair, after shampooing, every now and then with a good liquid clothes conditioner. It greatly cuts down the static in your hair.

6. Surefire Success

Keep your hat on till spring, maybe early summer.

7. To Fight Static...

I have super long (3 1/2 ft. from crown to tips), super thin, super straight hair and static in the winter is a nightmare for me. I have learned 3 good ways of combating it however. #1 Keep a trial size bottle of a leave in spray conditioner with you at all times (you can buy these in drug stores for pennies). #2 Run a dryer sheet over your hair. #3 Spray something like Static Guard over your hair (this may stink but it's effective).

8. Smooth Hair

My stylist told me that when you rinse out your conditioner, you should use colder water. When you look at a piece of hair under a microscope, it looks like the shingles of a roof. When you use colder water to rinse out your conditioner, it closes those "shingles" and makes your hair smoother.

9. Better hair

Before showering, I comb my hair one last time. This helps to distribute the natural oils in your hair. When in the shower, I usually comb my conditioner into my hair paying special attention to the tips because this is where your hair has less moisture. When I'm done I usually blast cold water onto my hair. This helps with keeping the hair moisturized since it closes the hair shaft and it makes your hair extremely shiny.

Does anybody know any websites with good hair cut pictures/ have any tips for me?

Hello everybody! I am going to get my hair cut soon, and I was wondering if there were any websites with good pictures of different cuts or styles. I tried and, but my membership has expired. If you don't have any links, maybe you could give me some of your own ideas. I have a round to oval shaped face and fairly straight hair with a little bit of wave and curl underneath. My hair is kind of thick, and comes to just below my shoulders. I am not getting it dyed, but my hair is blonde, I have blue eyes, and I have lighter skin with a little bit of a golden tone, if any of that makes a difference it any way. Thanks for helping me!

Does anybody know any websites with good hair cut pictures/ have any tips for me?

Hmm, i have the same "problem" as you..... Im getting my hair cut sometimes next week, and i dont know what to do. My hair is exactly the same as yours, but im a brunette

I would suggest to cut a good chunk off your hair, then get layers so that the "shortest" layer is starting on your jaw line, and make sure they go all ayay around your head.

For some cool hairstyles, you could straighten your hair, which would look pretty. Or, you could try different kinds of ponytails, or put curls in your hair :D

Good luck ;P

Oh, and here is a website, where it shows different hair styles for all sorts of hair lengths: (i think thats what its called)

Does anybody know any websites with good hair cut pictures/ have any tips for me?

Long natural hair never goes out of style. Keep what you have.

Keep smiling, real beauty comes from within.

Does anybody know any websites with good hair cut pictures/ have any tips for me?

go to and click try on styles. u can upload ur pic for free.

Choppy layered hair cut?

Could someone please a URL to a picture of what a choppy layered hair cut looks like. Because my mom told me about it, but I just don't know what it looks like.

Choppy layered hair cut?

if you go to and type in "Scene hair" in the image search, you'll find what she's talking about.

Choppy layered hair cut?

Choppy layered hair cut?

Bit like that :]

Choppy layered hair cut?

Anyone know anything about hair cuts??

I do not know what kind of hair cut to get!!!!

I have chest length thin dark brown hair SUPER STRAIGHT

Oval Shaped face

some what large forehead that narrows as it reaches the hairline

and somewhat full cheeks

a medium sized mouth

and a rather undefined chin line. (not round though)

should i get bangs to widen my forehead and create balance with the wider cheeks?? Or should i not get any bangs and try to expose the long forehead as much as possible. i do not know what to do!!! Is there a stylist in the room?? nothing seems to look good on me!!

Anyone know anything about hair cuts??

Take photo of yourself and use a marking pen to draw in some bangs. I bet you will like the bangs.

Anyone know anything about hair cuts??

Get it layered. It would totally look awsome! Write back ok?

Anyone know anything about hair cuts??

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

What is a good hair cut?

I have shoulder legnth brunett hair and i was wondering what kind i should get it cut?

What is a good hair cut?

I like to keep my hair on the longer side, so I get a stylist to cut it with chunky layers with some framing my face.

What is a good hair cut?


What is a good hair cut?

Hair Styles

* Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

* Hairstyle - tips and tricks-

* Bob Hairstyle-

* Hair Layering Tips

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

I need answers buy this weekend because thats when im getting my hair cut...

would help it you showed pictures and/or what to tell the hairstyle person!!

but my hair isn't so long its like 4 inchs mabye past my shoulders.

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

Take a look at this site, there are soooo many links with hairstyles that you're looking for

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

Cover your eyes.

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

eww ur emo go cut ur rist

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

word of the wise: dont get emo hair cuts

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

go bald

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

Black dyed hair

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?


What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

get shorter in back and longer in front and then get banges that go strait across your forehead...

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

God.. I can't wait until this emo phase dies.

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

How did emo get so popular? When I was in school a few years ago, we laughed at and scorned all the emo kids.

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

I advise against them BUT if you really want 'em...go to and in the Links page there should be some photobucket pages chock full of pictures. Hope this helps (:

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

shve your head its the coolest

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

Get a hair cut you want to get, not follow whatever the "scene" dictates... Be a free spirit, not a follower...

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

from experience, (not from MY hair), cut your hair all off basically. leave it in like a shaggy look, about halfway to your ears and straighten it as much as you can. my friend died hers black, and wore a hat over it....

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

oh my f**king god no. it's f**cking bad enough that emo kids are the new f**king plague of shows, but now people that dont even pretend to be part of the scene are in on it??

christ end this bulls**t and get your own goddamn ideas. the emo loko is nothing but a horrible epidemic.

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

hahaha i thought this one was funny...

and this. . .

but this one is not bad

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

What are some Emo hair cut for girls?

good soo far things sound good most cuts are sort but becuse your hair is so short and u want and emo look you want to make it layered or so called choppy so like choppy layers anyway i just want to give yah some advise no emo haircut is complete unless u die your hair black or pink OR ANY OTHER COLERFUL COLOR

i would luv 2 show you a pic of wat im talkin bout but it wont let me but if u go onto emobuket.coM and look at there pics i garentee ull find a style ull want hope this helps EMO CHIK

Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

Im getting my hair cut and need advice as i have chosen some pics and am having difficulty in choosing which ones to pick can u help?

The first pictures on the page are the hairstyles:

The link of the pics are as follows:

Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

All the cuts are basicly the same........#1 and #3 are just more graduated in the front. I like those two the most, make sure they razor cut the fringe and make it "chippy"

Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

I like hairstyle three. I picked that one because if you decide to go with bangs later, it won't be too drastic since you have those shorter layers close to your face.

Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

Pic 3. It is layered and looks good on most women.

Good luck.

Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

they all look the same to me.

Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

Well, it really depends on what your face shape is, and your hair color as well, but focus mostly on face shape. Is it round, oval, square, or heart-shaped?

To find out, look at your forehead in relation to your face. If you have a very wide forehead, but have a smaller, more delicate and pointed, chin, then you have a heart-shaped face. For this face shape you want to create balance - more volume near the bottom of your hair. Also, heart-shaped faces look fabulous with side-swept bangs. I think hairstlyle2, with bangs, would look the best for heart-shapes out of these.

Or: is your forehead about the same width as your strong jawline? That would mean you have a sqare shaped face. Dont worry! A lot of celebs have this shape and it is not unnattractive. For example, Jennifer Garner and Katie Holmes all have this shape. Think of the way they wear their hair. Katie wears soft waves most of the time, and Jennifer goes daring occasionally with stick-straight and shiny hair that really accents her cheekbones. For this shape I would recommend soft layers hitting below the chin, to soften up the somewhat hard jawline.

Oval shapes have it easy - they cam wear virtually any hairstyle, because their face is in perfect symmetry, Measure your face. the length should be about 1 1/2 times the width, and the forehead is a medium size, along with the chin. Your forehead and cheekbones are probly the widest part of your face. For this face shape, i adore hairstyle3

Round face shapes are quite self-explainatory. You have a full chin and a full forehead, and you rly have to avoid short hair, which will make you look quite overweight (not offensive, just from experience I kno - my friend has a round face shape, and on impulse, she went and got a bob, and it added about 15 pounds to her - not a good idea). Round face shapes look great with straight hairstyles, and with soft waves that start waving around the cheekbone area. If you have a round face, try hairstyle one. Its cute and straight, so it draws attention away from the roundness of your face.

HOPE I HELPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

i like hairstyle 5


Im getting my hair cut and need some advice?

You should be considering a Buzz Cut-- that would be the best look for you.

Im getting my hair cut soon and i need help finding a picture?

i want to get it cut like Sara Bareilles hair and how she had it in her music video for the song Love Song, so if anyone can find me a good pic just send it to me. thx

Im getting my hair cut soon and i need help finding a picture?

Im getting my hair cut soon and i need help finding a picture?

go on google

Im getting my hair cut soon and i need help finding a picture?

i cant paste any pics but just go to google and type in the typle of haircut u want and u'll see some pictures (be sure to click on images)

i prefer highlights and cut layered

hope this helps!

Im getting my hair cut soon and i need help finding a picture?

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

I got my hair cut short. ughhh. now it looks like a wild mane. lol but in a funny way. i comb it and it looks okay. but jeez, it's wild. now i can't even put it in a pony tail because of how short it is.

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

I do not have a haircut

I NEED a haircut...or cornrows

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

Long layers..with side swept bangs.

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

layers, but they are hard to distinguish because of the curls....

If I use the flat iron, you can see them....

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

i shaved it all off...gonna be doing the "bald thing"

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

mmm Layers a few inches past my shoulders with side swept bangs straightened.


Don't worry, it'll grow back, half an inch a month, do the math.

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

I have an "A-Line" haircut that has grown out significantly...

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

Right now, my hair is very long to my waist. It's straight. I have a few layers at the sides, and bangs. The style itself is exactly like the way singer Stevie Nicks currently wears her hair.

I frequently style it in loose, flowing waves as well. Whenever I do... I always seem to get flirted on more! LOL!

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

My haircut is cut like A mohawk!!!!!!

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

long, straight....with long thin bangs to my eyes

my hair is real thick. so, i like it long....but i'm gonna dontate it soon

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

i have like the old hale berry short cut i love it

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

i got it cut today its short nd in layers

What kind of hair cut do you have??????????????

The Dutch Boy haircut. (Check the kid on those cans of Dutch Boy paint. That's the haircut I've got right now--after my wife lobbed off 5" off my long 'doo.)

I need a picture of vanessa hudgens new hair cut?

i have been looking and looking for a picture of vanessa hudgens new hair cut. the shoulder length one. i have searched on google. and most of the pictures are of her long hair not short. and the short ones comes up blurry when i copy and paste it to print it. does anyone have a link to a picture of her new hair cut when it is curly not straight? please and thank you.

I need a picture of vanessa hudgens new hair cut?

vanessa never cut her hair she just had extentions on so when she toook it off it looked like a hair cut . There are many pics here are some:

I need a picture of vanessa hudgens new hair cut?

that was a really great question!!! i hung her pic up in my room. i dont understand why the pics i came up with didn't do it for you, but that's okay.

~Kennedy Joice Report It

I need a picture of vanessa hudgens new hair cut?

yeah, here it is

it may not look like it, but yes, that's vanessa anne hudgens! hope i helped!

~Kennedy Joice

I need a picture of vanessa hudgens new hair cut?

tah dah take your pic!

My co-worker (who I had a secret crush on) just cut her hair & I hate it. Is it just a bad hairc

This woman that I work with recently cut her hair (which was down to the small of her back) up to shoulder length and she looks totally different. I use to just ogle her and thought she was so pretty. Now she looks much less attractive, her face looks rounder and it makes her look frumpy and fatter. In fact, I try to avoid looking at her now because I don't get the same warm and fuzzy feeling about her.

I know it's just hair, and it's her's. She could set it on fire if she wants to. Girls and women are always saying that you want guys to "like you for who you are, not what you look like". But you have to understand that it's what you look like that gets us to like everything else about you.

Now another co-worker is thinking of getting her hair cut and is going around showing all the guys pictures of how short she plans to cut it. Is she doing this to torture us guys because most have said that we like her long hair better. Will she probably get it cut anyway?

My co-worker (who I had a secret crush on) just cut her hair %26amp; I hate it. Is it just a bad haircut, ,maybe???

Do you like her whole heartiest to choose her being your life partner or slightly as a colleague just for your own eyes' satisfaction. If you like her deeply you should win her confidence and ask her that her hairs are still beautiful and those will regrow within a couple of months if you both reach at a point of trust in each other. Say your heart (not your eyes) to measure her beauty without cost. Don't forget this fact that she is the same as she was earlier, but has merely changed her hair style not herself.

M. Husen

My co-worker (who I had a secret crush on) just cut her hair %26amp; I hate it. Is it just a bad haircut, ,maybe???

If ever there was a poster child for the 9 to 5 , it would be you.

My co-worker (who I had a secret crush on) just cut her hair %26amp; I hate it. Is it just a bad haircut, ,maybe???

Are you serious? That girl is way too good for you if you are calling her fat and frumpy for cutting her hair. Did you ever stop and think for a moment that maybe she doesn't like your hair either. I can't believe that any person would actually write a question like this. . .this is probably why you are single...good luck to you and you might want to lose that ego if you want to score the girl.

What type of hair cut can i get?

i've been wondering what type of hairstyle i should get.

i'm open to pretty much everything other than pixie cuts or something of the like.

i have darkish brown hair, and its currently a little past my shoulders, and is naturally wavy.

%26lt;img src=""...

%26lt;img src=""...

%26lt;img src=""...

What type of hair cut can i get?

You look beautiful the way you are. =]

What type of hair cut can i get?


What type of hair cut can i get?

for me, im really diggin the first one. Go curly and u should be good!

What type of hair cut can i get?

I am going to agree that you look beautiful the way you are but to be different I think you will look good with a hairstyle like Sin鑼卆d O'Connor... Either way you look great!

What type of hair cut can i get?

* Hair Style ideas

What type of hair cut can i get?

I think you look beautiful the way you are but if your interested in a new style, maybe you should put some layers in. (suggestion* my layered look is called the sliver) easy to manage and i can where it flipped in and/or out.

good luck sweetie!

What type of hair cut can i get?

the 3rd one!

good luck!

What type of hair cut can i get?

If you're interested in new cut and are considering short cuts (although the style you currently have really does suit you) there's a cut called A-line bob. It's shorter in the back and it extends at angle longer in the front.

Don't worry not all the A-line cuts look the same. The good thing about this cut is that it can be personalized to the style you like. It is flattering on almost every face shape.

The one visual that comes to mind is the most recent bob Kelley Clarkson is sporting at the moment.

The other is called a graduated bob.

You can try searching these cuts on google or something.

Color wise, the color have is fine, but then again if you want change you can try going a shade darker than your natural hair color and adding some low lights. Or going one shade lighter than your natural hair color and adding some highlights.

Whatever you decide to do make sure YOU like it.

I'm getting my hair cut soon.?

I was watching an episode of Instant Beauty Pageant on Style Network the other week, and a girl on it had blonde hair and my mom said It was a long shag. I need pictures to explain how I want it cut, and I can't find them on google or anything. Help!

I'm getting my hair cut soon.?

Try going on It's a search website with plenty of hairstyles. Here's a long shag....

And they also explain what do ask for if you can't print out the picture. For this one they describe.. "A shag hairstyle with long layers. A unique, almost punky, hair style for fashion minded girls."

I'm getting my hair cut soon.?

Look through magazines. Usually they have hair style magazines wherever you go get you're hair cut. Good luck!

I'm getting my hair cut soon.?

Strange, you should probably look through magazines, and if you can't it there, then go to a haircut website and look through there pictures. If not there, go to the haircuting salon and ask them if they know how to cut a "Long Shag". If they know how, ask them to show you a picture before they begin to cut.

I'm getting my hair cut soon.?

just ask for long layers, thats below your ear to about the bottom of your jaw.

I'm getting my hair cut soon.?

I love getting my haircut lol!

Im not entirely sure what you mean, but im picturing something simmilar to Rachael from friends (Jennifer Aniston)

I'm getting my hair cut soon.?

Try searching on a locl hairdressers site

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

My friends hair is past her butt...

And mine is short...

And my friend says her hair is "precious".....

And that she will NEVER give it up to Locks of Love...

She is so annoying about her hair..

She got like 2 inches cut off and freaked out!!

Help me convince her please!

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

cut it off while shes catchin some Zzz's :P

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

It's HER hair! If she wants to look like Cousin It, let her.

Or "accidentally" drop a big wad of gum in it. lol

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

Go to one of those sites upload her pic, and show her awesome she could look with a new style.

When she changes it, she'll get tons of comliments, and she'll thank you.

It'll also be a lot less work for her.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

I'm sorry to say but, it's your friends hair not yours. Its her decision on cutting it or not. Be a good friend and respect your friends decision.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

Lol thats like my best friend but she has hair about here mid maybe a little longer and she freaked when she got an inch off and i have short hair 2...So thats funny...But just talk her into it and wear your hair really cute and tell her that it feels much better to have it off and tell her that she kinda looks bland and needs something new...Do you have a bf? Well i guess you couldnt tell me lol...But if you do tell her that guys like hair that is kinda short but not really long hair...Just get her to think that short hair is cute...

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

why should she cut it? because you want her to? thats not a good enough reason. If she cuts it, she is going to hate it, no matter what you think. Did you hate your when you got it cut short? Most people do when they make that drastic of a change. It wont grow back anytime soon either. just leave it alone.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

if she doesn't like criticim, that's one problem with your friend.

and also.

tell her that it'll grow back anyway, and it isnt very good if she doesn't want to try anything new with it.

and its her own problem if she wants to put up with high maintenence with her hair.

i think hair pass the butt or mid back is hideous, personally.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?


Remember, she is your friend, so it's not worth

messing up your friendship over this, but I

understand your view. Try this, take your friend

to a hair salon, not for a cut, but to look at photos, and

ask her opinion. The people there may be helpful also.

I've known girls with that much hair, that had constant

headaches because of the weight of the hair. Once

they had their hair shorten, the headaches went away.

The other health issue is, how clean does she keep it ?

It can be time consuming. Then there is the safety issue.

The long hair could get caught in something. She doesn't have to cut it real short, but if she does shorten it, she might get notice, more, by the guys. Good luck.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

Why should she cut it? Girls with very long hair are very attractive... It's rare to see a girl with hair like that... that's why so many guys are attracted to it. It almost sounds like you're jealous.


it is about 3 or four inchs past my shoulders but i am growing it out so i dont want to get a lot off

i kinda want side swept bangs and long layered curls

find pics of clebs or who ever you think i should get my hair cut like !10 points best anwser !


o and it is dark brown

good anwsers but plzz a little longer like as long as mileys cyrus's k?


I got some cool Hairstyle Ideas for you.. I think these will look amazing by the way you're describing yourself..

Carmen Electra---

Her hair is just amazing and her curls are so great. These will give you a sexy yet sophisticated look. Also, the haircut will look great if you want to stick with your haircolor or if you want to change it. It emphasizez your face and sort of makes you glow. So I think this is amazing. It also has those bangs.

Jessica Alba---

Side swept bangs all the way!! This hairstyle suits any occasion! Looks great on your hair color too! Jessica Alba's hair looks really sexy and also classy NOT trashy..

Eva Longoria---

Eva Longoria was named as one of the hottest women in Amrica and her hair was part of the reason. She always knows how to work her hair and this amazing hair do she makes works wonders! Its really classy and straight yet not boring. The style and shape of the hair is stupendous! Go give it a try.

Emma Roberts---

Emma Roberts' has broke out of her "child-like" shell and is now a fashion icon to many. Her hair is always hip, fresh, and styling. I fell like this is the 'do you were looking for. It's side swept and has curls at the bottom. This is a fun style to go for!

Hilary Duff---

Hilary Duff's style is classic rock and is totally happening. This style is flowy and really natural yet with the side swept bang you were asking for and the whole feel of it makes you look calmed, beautiful, and relaxed. It really has a great feel to it.

Hope my suggestions count!


Queen Of Hearts



your hair is no where near as long as mileys fake hair..

so how would you get a hair cut like hers..


simply tell your hairdresser what you want.

Should I get my hair cut like this? 閳?

my hair looks like this :

should I get it cut like this:


thanks :D

閳?br>Should I get my hair cut like this? 閳?

the first one, it looks age-appropriate and less harsh. very cute!

I need a good hair cut.?

I really want a girly yet emo kind of cut. I have medium lenght hair right now. Any ideas?

I need a good hair cut.?

highlighted mohawk

I need a good hair cut.?

Shaggy layers. It's totally in. If you do layers, you can brush your bangs to the side for that "emo" look.

I need a good hair cut.?

EMO???? just get a shaggy layerd cut dont have that emo look because thats not in right now....lighten up life aint that bad theres always someone who has a worst life then life is pretty bad do you see me complaining?????

How would I look with this hair cut?

this is me:

how would i look with my hair cut like this:

do you think i would look good with that hair?

How would I look with this hair cut?

It would look good on you. It would define your jawline more.

How would I look with this hair cut?

You will look older and the sadest person ever. only people that do nothing with their life do that.

How would I look with this hair cut?


How would I look with this hair cut?

it would look the same just with a difrrent hair color it would totally look the same just a little bit shorter.

How would I look with this hair cut?


How would I look with this hair cut?

I'm not a big fan of those kinda of hair cuts. Personally I think your hair is gorgeous how it is! I wouldn't get it cut like that, but if you did then it wouldn't look bad. But I do love the bangs in that pic!!!

鈾es鈾?br>How would I look with this hair cut?

do it you'd look good

How would I look with this hair cut?

if you like it.then roll with it

How would I look with this hair cut?

I think you would look good wit your hair cut like dat its something different!?!

How would I look with this hair cut?

it doesnt matter u r HOT anyway!!! just dont go goth or emo, that would make u less attractive

How would I look with this hair cut?

I think it would look great! Seems to me it may take more time to style, but if you don't mind that...go for it! :)

How would I look with this hair cut?

yea i think it would look really cute, go for it.

keep in mind that these haircuts require a lot of maintenence! be prepared to do a lot of styling and use a lot of products.

How would I look with this hair cut?

i dont think you'd look good with that hairstyle but you would look good with sidebangs

How would I look with this hair cut?

dont do it

How would I look with this hair cut?

i think you shuld keep the cut u got.

you look really good.

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

Well the hair cut its fine and it looks really good, i just dont feel cofident its not me and its the first time i experiment with a different style...would i get used to it, how long would it take for my hair to grown at least 5 inches long????

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

I too just had mine cut, so I know what you mean. Just go buy the sea salt spray and spray it everywhere and try for the just out of bed look - it makes you feel great and looks like you are not trying to find a style - Hair grows fast - take heaps of fish oil and it should grow in a couple of months@Q!

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

it would take you 5 year to grow 5 inches worry you get used to it just think of your self as david beckham who changes hair style every feel confident about your self...

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

It depends on you, really. The speed at which hair grows varies from person to person, but mainly only slightly. The maximum growth of hair in one year, is about six inches.

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

I just got a new style too, and it's a bit on the wild side. Don't worry about what people think. As long as you think is looks alright, that's all you need. People try and break you down. Don't let them.

It's different on different people, so your hair might grow 5 inches in 4 months, or, it could take a year or two. For me, my hair grew 2 inches in a period of 2 months during the summer.

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

If you say it looks really good, why don't you feel comfortable with it? Sometimes change can be a great thing-- people will notice it and like it and you're going out of your comfort zone, which took a lot of guts! Usually, it takes a week to get used to it so you can learn how to style it and what hair styles look best with it. I'm sure you look fabulous and you just might not think so because you it's brand new. Don't worry, though, change is good! Plus, hair is made to play with so who cares if you don't like it right now-- it will always grow back and then you can experiment some more!

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

Hi as a salon owner and stylist, you say the new style looks really good, if this is the case and its well cut, your confidence will grow believe me, when people pay comments to you on your new style it will also help you

your hair grows about half and inch a month a bit more in the summer, however regular micro trims will help, so will looking after your hair ie good conditioning and look after your diet, try some different styles with your new cut, ie play around with it, five inches would take less than a year but do not panic about it, it happens much quicker than you imagine

sort your confidence out, if your hair looks good you should feel good

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

you should get use to it, at the moment you are so use to your old style looking back at you in the mirror. give it a couple of days and im sure you will like it. your hair grows about half to one inch a month. so dont worry im sure its lush.

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

If it looks really good...give yourself a week or so to get used to it...then I'm sure you'll really love it. :-)

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

My hair use to be really long and my hairdresser cut it up to my shoulders but i let it grow for 2 months and its really me.

It would take about 5 months.

I just had a hair cut...ADVICE PLEASE???????

Well hair grows half an inch each month so 6 inches each year so it will take ten months for it to grow 5 inches but it depends on the person and their diet it could take longer or a shorter amount of time!

Hope this helped!

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

yes !!!


he got his hair cut today :)

it looks aaamazinger than before !

if you wanna see;

go to

type in jonas brothers and click the first two boxes;

its the first pictures.

taken yeserday !

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

it really doesnt look that different?

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

who what.

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

who cares? The jonas brothers are gay posers.

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

hes so hott!

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?


he looks hotttt!!!


Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

i honestly dont think it looks that different.

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

Wow!! Thanks!! I have been looking for these picture everywhere!! I love his hair, but he really did need it cut. It looks nice. It's not that different but it's a change. He's still completely cute!! Thanks for posting this!!!

Nick jonas got his hair cut !?

i missed his eyes :]

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

O.K. I'm a 5'8" blonde and i kinda have a small head. (just a little) I'm gonna get my hair cut soon (for school) and i want to ask: would longer hair make my head look a little bigger or short hair? PLEASE! give me some tips! THANKS! (BTW: i am geting layers starting at the bottom of my ears, no side swipe)

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

i think medium length hair with lots of layers woul make it look bigger

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

Get a skullet.

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

ummm... mayb shoulder length.... i think the guys will like it

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

Long but not to long

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

The shorter your hair is, the bigger your head will look.

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

Short hair makes your head bigger, but long hair more beautiful.

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

i would do a trim with layers

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

No, longer hair would make your hair look smaller. Cut your hair to about shoulder length and layers are very good! that should make ur head look bigger.

How should i get my hair cut? (long or short)?

hey girl! are you sure you want it short? i like your hair long! i've seen what it looks like in layers and it's very pretty. maybe you should just get a trim?

HAIR:I'm thinkin of getting my hair cut 2 a side fringe is layers a good idea!!!!?



HAIR:I'm thinkin of getting my hair cut 2 a side fringe is layers a good idea!!!!?

i think you should do whatever suits you more.

it's your hair.

i like you avatar.

HAIR:I'm thinkin of getting my hair cut 2 a side fringe is layers a good idea!!!!?

If you're not sure, keep the layers as long as steps.

HAIR:I'm thinkin of getting my hair cut 2 a side fringe is layers a good idea!!!!?

if your gonna have fringe you need layers,.. they go together

HAIR:I'm thinkin of getting my hair cut 2 a side fringe is layers a good idea!!!!?

i think it is a really good idea. it is a big fashion these days! i also have layers

HAIR:I'm thinkin of getting my hair cut 2 a side fringe is layers a good idea!!!!?

I think it is a great idea!

Layers are really hot and so is a side fringe!

Good Luck

HAIR:I'm thinkin of getting my hair cut 2 a side fringe is layers a good idea!!!!?

it depends on what kind of hair you have - what I mean, is, the texture.

If you have really thick hair of hair that tends to be really dry and frizzy, I would not suggest layers. Layers add volume to your hair. Think of the Olsen twins for short layers and then Jennife Anniston (now, not years ago) for long layers.

Layers work best with thinner hair or hair that is really healthy looking. The rest is not off-limits, but I would DEFINATELY not do it if your hair is very thick.

Physical pain associated with hair cuts?

Ok so many of us have heard about people who get their hair cut but it hurts so bad they are in tears. Is their a scientific name for that "disorder" (for a lack of better words!!) ?

Physical pain associated with hair cuts?

It is not the hair cut itself, it is the "pulling" done on the hair itself. Each hair on your head is put into a "follicle" that has a nerve and muscle attached to the root. That COULD cause pain, if the person who does the hair cutting is somewhat rough. A great many people have tender scalps and pulling on the hair causes discomfort. Actual PAIN is not really bad. Sometimes the brain reads it and senses the pain with much more intensity than is really there.

Physical pain associated with hair cuts?

Never even heard of such a thing!

Physical pain associated with hair cuts?

Your hair is dead cells as soon as it is visible above the skin. It's like cutting your finger nails.. It shouldn't hurt at all. However, it may be that the barber is pulling on the hair, and it's actually the scalp that is hurting. In that case, just tell them not to pull so hard. The only other thing I can think of is that it's a totally mental thing. Maybe it's like when a person has a limb amputated and can still "feel" it, even though it's gone. It's just the brain playing tricks on you. It's not actual pain, just percieved pain, and maybe some nerves randomly firing. But yeah, simply snipping a hair should not hurt at all.

I'm getting my hair cut emo-ish style?

I already kinda have "emo" stlye hair but I'm getting it cut like this

I would like more pics like this one to get more ideas for it! Any help is appreciated.

I'm getting my hair cut emo-ish style?

I'm getting my hair cut emo-ish style?

That is emo hair? Every sorority girl on campus has a haircut like that.

I'm getting my hair cut emo-ish style?

yah looks good. . . you can just call it scene hair it saves the quotations and the negative associations with emo.

I'm getting my hair cut emo-ish style?

theres nothing really that emo about it.

Tutorials on cutting your own hair?

I have had my hair the same way for a long time now and it doesn't match my style any more. My hair is about 18 inches long (not very thick) in a side parting with a side swept fringe, quite ordinary for me nowadays. I'm planning on cutting my own hair tonight or tomorrow, thinking of having a fringe, for a change, but I don't know yet. Are there any tutorials out there for cutting/styling your own hair? I found a few but everything I have seen is either old fashioned or very 'safe', I'm looking for something more bold/striking.

Tutorials on cutting your own hair?

Here are a lot of websites.

I cut my hair before. But that's just when I decided to make my own bangs. I cut my hair DRY... because that's what it will look like in reality... not when it's wet. That's just me though.

I suggest going to get it cut professionally just to be sure. I think your hair is worth $10-$20 ....

Tutorials on cutting your own hair?

Don't ....go to a salon.... They will give you bold/striking and beautiful ~~

Merry Christmas ~~~

I want to cut my hair emo short but yet still girly i have thick reaxed hair. Any ideas?

I really want to get my hair cut that short but i dont know what to chose from. My face is oval.

I want to cut my hair emo short but yet still girly i have thick reaxed hair. Any ideas?

Your like exactly the same as me. I have long hair and wanted a change so I got a sort of relaxed bob/ pixie cut. It was in layers on the back and have a small amount of bangs. Oval faces look good with short hair, so go for it!

I want to cut my hair emo short but yet still girly i have thick reaxed hair. Any ideas?

good luck!! =)

I want to cut my hair emo short but yet still girly i have thick reaxed hair. Any ideas?

Check out thousands of hairstyles using for links to websites offering different hairstyles, tips and free makeovers, you will be able to find something suitable. You can also upload a photo and try different hairstyles

I need a new hair cut!?

I have thick hair a couple inches past my shoulders. It is frizzy and falls out a lot. I'm sick of it so looking for advice on hair cuts.

I need a new hair cut!?

Hmm... Sounds like my hair used to be.

Try just trimming the ends and getting long layers (if you don't have them already). You could also get a side-fringe.

Try changing shampoos and use a matching conditioner. You may also need some Anti-Frizz spray. I find that the products from RedKen are really good.

I need a new hair cut!?

Shave it off.

I need a new hair cut!?

Shave it off

I need a new hair cut!?

here you go

I need a new hair cut!?

you could have it cut into the new stylish bob that kinda gets longer towards your face at least it wont be so frizzy there is alot of produts out for frizzy hair so if you dont want to cut it buy some products for your hair instead

I need a new hair cut!?

layer it that way it will look like its suposed to b that wat

I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the s

I want my son's hair cut like this....

What exactly would I ask for w/o bringing a picture??

My son's hair is really long, so I don't think it would be a problem.


I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the salon?

I'd ask for some length to be kept in but you want a ruffed up sort of look.

I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the salon?

take one of the pictures with you

or some from different angles

I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the salon?

uuuh ask 2 look like kyle xy---duh!

I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the salon?

bring the pic

if u can't ask them to cut his hair like Matt Dallas (plays Kyle XY)

I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the salon?

take the photo with ya

I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the salon?

bring the pic or just ask her if she knows him or say i want his hair short on the sides and fuller on top

I want to get my son's hair cut like Kyle XY (pictures included) What should I ask for at the salon?

ok, his hair look totally disgusting. It's all sticking up everywhere, and just ew...

How to grow out a short awkward hair cut??

ok so i cut my hair in may, really short like in this picture of kirsten dunst.

the problem is, it's a couple inches longer now and it really doesn't work anymore. the sides are longer than the back, and the layers that looked good short are awkward now. i'm trying to grow it out, but it needs a trim. any suggestions on how i should eventually end up with the sides shorter, the layers cut into something that could look good longer, and get it into a regular shape that i can grow out?

How to grow out a short awkward hair cut??

just tim it it too like a bob cut with layers

and let it grow out

you can trim it in stages

How to grow out a short awkward hair cut??

you can either cut it into the style you had before, or they're are pills that make your hair grow longer faster, you could try those and then you will have longer hair to work with!

How to grow out a short awkward hair cut??

Chop it back to the awesomeness it used to be? Or get extensions. Or have it layered to frame your face so it doesn't look so.... chunky. And how to get your hair shorter is to cut it. There is no other way.

How to grow out a short awkward hair cut??

Experiment with headbands, head scarves, and clips to hide the awkward layers- and if you're brave enough, try and trim it yourself.

I cut my own hair for a while, and nothing terrible happened- just make sure you have a decent pair of shears- the long, thin ones that come to a point. Hair shears, if bought at a supply store, can be as cheap as $15.

Cut slowly and patiently.

Or check local beauty schools to see if they do hair demonstrations- which are usually free, and well-monitored by the teacher.

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

ok i use to have long hair, well not long long but like 8 inches below my shoulder, now i just got it cut to my shoulders! I cant decide if i like it, i use to like my hair and i thought i was kind of pretty but now idk any ideas to make it look cute? Please please help!

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

Well if you liked it before, Why did you cut it?

Well mine was about the same length and i cut it to my shoulders, I hate mine too. I think it is just because you arn't used to it yet. Especially because long hair is so heavy, Now its much lighter so your constantly noticing it.

Just try diffrent styles, Scruch it, Straighten it, Flip it out at the ends, Pin half of it back, Do a messy bun or pony tail. Just don't get to accessory happy.

Good Luck =)

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

flip it out, straighten it, curls, headbands, any accesories on your head

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

Is it all one length? Maybe you should layer it. This will give it much more style. A combination of both layers and color will make your cut worth it.

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

try a pony tail.Those help sooooooooooooo much.I put on fake pony tails.

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

Here are a few links for styling ideas:

Photos of medium hair cuts w/ styling tips:

Blow drying techniques:

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

go wet... slick it .

I just got my hair cut, really short?!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Medium hairstyle tips-

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

I just got my hair cut today, and I hate it! I liked it better the way it was! I asked her to trim my side bangs, and she made them into tiny full bangs - which I don't like!

Have you got any tips on how to make it grow faster, or make it look like side bangs again?

Thanks heaps ;-)

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

nothing you can do but wait for it to grow out

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Drink lots of milk

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

wait a while...get whig...learn to like it.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Wash it...sometimes a bad haircut looks better

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

wear a hat

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

just chill, school dosent start until like 3 more weeks that's plenty of time for it to grow back...i think.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

I wouldnt worry too to much about might not like it...but what if some girl that you might find attractive does? I say just stick it out for now...before you know it, your hair will be back to how it was.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

put some bedhead mastermind on your fingers and brush it through your bangs. then style them to the side. =]

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

im not sure about that but try putting lots of moose in it and making it wavy because for the mean time its look great!!!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

You may want to go to a different stylist t start. Then, use Google to find pics of the style you ORIGINALLY wanted ( also try this site's style gallery, they have heaps! ), print it out and take it to the salon. It may not be possible to get the bangs you originally desired, but a good stylist can shatter the ends (make them less blunt) which will make them easier to grow out.

Good luck!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

THIS WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take BIOTIEN everyday in the highest amout you can get it!!

also NOURKIN will make your hair grow like crazy.. last year i cut my hair in a bob.. 14 months later its past my breast!!!!!!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Go to WalGreen or CVSPharmacy to get some hair-lengthen lotion or whatever...

if you do not like it now, try to hide by wearing hat or cap!

Good luck..

calm down and take not look at the mirror much..the more you look, the more you care, the more you feel bad...calm down is a key

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

Well it's not going to grow any faster. If you're healthy, it'll just continue to grow at a regular rate.

Everyone gets at least one bad hair cut in their life, so it just happens. Basically you just have to make the best of it and do your hair so it will look good without the long bangs.

It sucks, but it happens.

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

If you hate your bangs you can always use accessories to fix it. All you need is hairspray and bobby pins. Pull your bangs back and make a little hill in the center of your head with mostly only your bangs. Hair spray it. You can leave the rest down or even put it in a pony tail. I love having bangs, especially ones that fall a little over my face so I could look... Mysterious.. lol but I can't stand them most of the time! You can always pull your bangs back with a few bobby pins until they grow back to the way you like them. Use cute bow looking pins and accessories so people can pay attention to your added fashion besides your dreaded hair cut. Good luck, hair grows fast so don't worry!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

The same thing happened to me. I ask for her to cut off a couple inches and she took off much much more. I am taking GNC hair, skin, and nail formula. My hair is growing back faster and my nails are extremely healthy and strong. Its under 10 dollars a bottle and it works miracles. Good luck!

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

try pinning then to the side with a bobby pin, and use some mouse, gel, or hairspray if they wont stay.

oh pin them back into a puff.

also protien helps hair growth.

and if you really want it to grow, maybe go to one of those natural stores, and they have hair growth supplements.

hope this helped. =]

HELP! I got my hair cut and I hate it!?

i have heard that brushing your hair alot helps your hair to grow faster, especially the Fuller Brush... it helps your hair grow... like i've said...