Thursday, November 12, 2009

Persuading my mother to let me get my hair cut?

My mum has let me get my hair cut for next month.

For as long as i can remember my hair has been very long and my mum frequently lets me get it cut (layers and stuff) but she still insists on keeping it long. It reaches nearly up to my bum. How can i persuade my mum to let me get it cut so it comes half way down my back?

Persuading my mother to let me get my hair cut?

You're the one that has to live with it and while it's a great novelty for a while, you do get sick of it at some point. Tell your mom that you're getting older now and it's a pain maintaining it, washing etc.

If that doesn't fly then tell her cutting it will make it grow faster and healthier. But you should get a style that's your own, it'll feel great!

Good Luck

Persuading my mother to let me get my hair cut?

Just pull out the scissors and do it yourself. Even if you do a horrible job she'll probably take you somewhere to fix it. It's your hair. She'll get over it.

Persuading my mother to let me get my hair cut?

Just simply explain what you really want, your hair is really long. So your mother should know what's best for you.

Persuading my mother to let me get my hair cut?

I wish you showed it to us . add a picture .

Persuading my mother to let me get my hair cut?

I don't understand why your mum wants you to be burdened with long hair. If she is so unreasonable about it, just tell your hairdresser to cut it the length you want. Another option is to take the scissors to the bathroom with you, bend over and brush your hair over your head from the back to the front, put a rubber band around it at the length you want, and cut it off yourself. You will have to get the hairdresser to trim it evenly for you but, at least, you can get what you want. Another option would be to visit one of your friends and get her to help you with it.

Long hair is not fashionable, it is hard to keep clean, it brushes against everything you walk by picking up dust and germs, and it limits you in what you can do to change your hairstyle.

Have you asked your father to talk with your mum about your hair?

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