Thursday, November 19, 2009

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

My friends hair is past her butt...

And mine is short...

And my friend says her hair is "precious".....

And that she will NEVER give it up to Locks of Love...

She is so annoying about her hair..

She got like 2 inches cut off and freaked out!!

Help me convince her please!

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

cut it off while shes catchin some Zzz's :P

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

It's HER hair! If she wants to look like Cousin It, let her.

Or "accidentally" drop a big wad of gum in it. lol

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

Go to one of those sites upload her pic, and show her awesome she could look with a new style.

When she changes it, she'll get tons of comliments, and she'll thank you.

It'll also be a lot less work for her.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

I'm sorry to say but, it's your friends hair not yours. Its her decision on cutting it or not. Be a good friend and respect your friends decision.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

Lol thats like my best friend but she has hair about here mid maybe a little longer and she freaked when she got an inch off and i have short hair 2...So thats funny...But just talk her into it and wear your hair really cute and tell her that it feels much better to have it off and tell her that she kinda looks bland and needs something new...Do you have a bf? Well i guess you couldnt tell me lol...But if you do tell her that guys like hair that is kinda short but not really long hair...Just get her to think that short hair is cute...

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

why should she cut it? because you want her to? thats not a good enough reason. If she cuts it, she is going to hate it, no matter what you think. Did you hate your when you got it cut short? Most people do when they make that drastic of a change. It wont grow back anytime soon either. just leave it alone.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

if she doesn't like criticim, that's one problem with your friend.

and also.

tell her that it'll grow back anyway, and it isnt very good if she doesn't want to try anything new with it.

and its her own problem if she wants to put up with high maintenence with her hair.

i think hair pass the butt or mid back is hideous, personally.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?


Remember, she is your friend, so it's not worth

messing up your friendship over this, but I

understand your view. Try this, take your friend

to a hair salon, not for a cut, but to look at photos, and

ask her opinion. The people there may be helpful also.

I've known girls with that much hair, that had constant

headaches because of the weight of the hair. Once

they had their hair shorten, the headaches went away.

The other health issue is, how clean does she keep it ?

It can be time consuming. Then there is the safety issue.

The long hair could get caught in something. She doesn't have to cut it real short, but if she does shorten it, she might get notice, more, by the guys. Good luck.

Can you help me convince my friend to get her hair cut?

Why should she cut it? Girls with very long hair are very attractive... It's rare to see a girl with hair like that... that's why so many guys are attracted to it. It almost sounds like you're jealous.

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