Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

I missed out on my first and only babys hair cut, and she is a lil girl i was barely starting to do her little ponytails that woul stick up.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

I am so sorry this happened to you. This happened to me too with my sonwhen he was 3 months, only it was not the babysitter, it was his dad's girlfriend and she was just trying to be an evil b@#$%. I was very angry and the only way I was able to move past it was to tell myself that milestones don't happen until I see them. The "first haircut" that my son had does not count because I did not do it, and neither does your daughter's. Hope this helps.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

I would talk to that woman and make it crystal f*@#ing clear ...that she is to under no circumstances take ANY liberties with your child ever again. That is ...if you don't fire her already...

Did she even apologize? Report It

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

Whaaat? She had NO right to do that!! I'd find another sitter asap.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

fire this babysitter. that is awful that she felt she could take that experience away from you!

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?


Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

i would let her know that was not her job to chose what to do with her like cutting her hair and next time i get a similar surprise id stop taking her with herand yeah i wont pay her

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

omg why wouild she EVERY THINK THAT WAS OK?? i would get mad if they would have done that to my first born, a boy, but your girl? I just had a daughter and if someone cut her hair, let alone without me, i would go ballistic. I am furious for you. oh geez, did she tell you why? please add what she said. oh my. im speechless........

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

I would fire her. The boundaries must not have been clearly set. Although, I can't imagine that being acceptable. It is a rule that shouldn't need mentioned though. Ya don't cut someone else's hair unless the parent's say it is okay.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

thats a little wierd i dont think that was rihgt at all definitly get another sitter and ask her why she did it mayeb she will tell you the truth

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

OMG!!! I couldnt imagine. Did you ask why? That is really weird, for your babysitter to do such a thing. Maybe her gum fell into the baby's hair or something because I cant see any other reason why she would do that.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

Your baby sitter cut your daughters hair? OOH she need her *** kicked immediately. Besides where i'm from you dont cut a babies hair until they are at least a year old I'm from Texas and MotherF***ers will get shot for doing that to one of our babies..Why would you want to cut your daughters hair at 5 months anyway, Are you one of those Butch type Dikes that wears a low cut trying to look like a man or what? You dont cut a girls hair at 5 months old. OOH MY GOODNESS WHERE IS THAT DADDY?

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

Because she's dumb and didn't realize that it was supposed to be a milestone! My aunt did this with my older brother....some people just dont think about it as a big deal.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

You didn't miss out on your baby's first "haircut" - you missed out on your baby's "assault". I don't know who that babysitter is, but I'd never, EVER, EVER, bring my baby back to someone who would overstep their bounds in that way.

Depending on whether this person is a lunatic or not, I'd also consider suing or bringing assault charges.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

I believe I would get me another babysitter. The why part of this question you need to ask your babysitter but I would be upset also. I took pictures of my first child's haircut (a boy) and accidentally exposed the film so I don't have any pictures (this was 30+ yrs ago). My second child (a boy) I didn't think to take the camera but I do have the memory which you don't have. Both of my boys were about 2 yrs old.

I'm sorry you missed out on that, they can be either screaming their lungs off or sitting there like - OK, what's that person going to do with those scissors. Now your baby is only 5 months old so when her hair grows out enough again she will really be cute when you get her hair cut - if you do. Some little girls have such pretty hair and it wears pretty long.

My granddaughter is almost 9 and up until recently, I've kept it cut in a bobb because she looked better like that. She's wanting it to grow so we will give it a try even though she has this awful cowlick at the base of her neck.

I'm sure the next hair cut will be even more special but I do believe I would find another babysitter. This was not her/his decision to make.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

Uh because she's an idiot and she wants to get fired!!!

There's no way that woman would be my nanny after that.

That's total BS.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

OMG! I am so sorry that that happened to you! The baby sitter had absolutely no right whatsoever to steal that moment from you. If she (the babysitter) is quite young, I would have a little chat with her and her parents about this - it is possible that she thought that it would be fun to "play mommy" and treat your baby like a living doll. She could be too immature to understand the significance of what she had done without getting her parents involved. If she were older girl or an adult, I can't think of a single excuse for her behavior that falls into the realm of reasonable - such as she is some sort of sorceress/witch who needs your baby's hair for a potion or something. She should be fired immediately and told exactly why, and why her actions were so hurtful to you. Again, I am so sorry that happened. I think the best you can do (after firing the babysitter) is move forward as if this didn't happen. Still document your girl's first (approved!) haircut as if it were the first. Sadly, there is nothing else to be done. Good luck.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

Maybe she was tring to be helpful cause she thought u were very busy...find out he intentions 1st. I know its hard to miss moments like that , dont be too hard on yourself. Has the babysitter done stuff like this before? It may have been an honest attempt to help you out...if not let her go...again she may NOT be a mother and may have not really thought about how important that was to you. Make sure you and your babysitters communicate. And are you truely upset that the babysitter took your girl for a haircut...or is it that you are upset with yourself for not being available to take her for her 1st cut. Find out your source of anger...good luck, and i am sorry :(

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

Your babysitter never should have cut your baby's hair without your permission. You shouldn't try to figure out a way to ask the babysitter why, just ask it. You have every right to ask her why she did without asking you, the mom, first, and that next time, before she does something out of the usual, she needs to ask you first.

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

Get another babysitter!!!

Why would my babysitter cut my 5month old babys hair?

invite her over again slip something into her drink to put her to sleep and then cut her hair....when she wakes up and starts to complaine tell het u thought i would be ok

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