Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?

Help me somebody..Im soo upset.I went to the salon today after I decided to get my long pretty hair cut,I brought a pic. and everything but the lady made my hair look like a mullet..Its short in the fron and long in the back..What can I do to make it grow back..FAST??..And,my facial shape does not fit short hair...

Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?

Go back to the salon and ask the person to cut it again. You can get a short haircut that will fit your face.

Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?

I will pray for you my child. I hate hairdressers that don't have a clue about passion for their work.

Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?


Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?

I woud go back to the salon and complain. Ask if another hairdresser can fix it. (for no charge). And if they say they can't demand a refund for the botched cut. Good luck sweetie I am sorry to hear. I have really long hair too and am very very afraid to cut it. I feel your pain.

Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?

Call around and set up some appointments for a consultation. Ask if they charge for it. Just more money for you to fork out if they do. It doesn't mean anything one way or the other.

Find a stylist you feel comfy with. You'll know when you talk to her/him. Get eye contact. Same page type feeling. They should have suggestions for you as to how else to cut it to fit your face shape and so on. You want the time of day from've already seen what not getting it does. Take your time when looking for your stylist. People don't do that enough. This is your image we are talking about. You want to stick with this stylist for a long time so be careful. If they don't at least do some of what I suggested then keep looking. Good luck and I'm sorry you had such a bad experience...we're not all idiots! And some shouldn't even be doing hair. If you lived in So. Cal. I would say come to me. I'm in O.C.

Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?

You need to find a stylist that will listen to you. You may have to have your hair cut short to make it look better as it grows out. Ask around to friends that have gotten what you feel are nice, good looking haircuts and see who they have gone to and make an appointment. As far as making your hair grow out fast, that's genetics dear. My hair grows really fast and I have to get a haircut every 4 weeks without fail. My moms hair also grows fast. There is nothing you can do to make it grow faster. A good stylist will be able to fix you hair so that it will look good shorter with your face structure. Nothing worse than a bad haircut. Yuck! Good Luck.

Help..I got my long hair cut, and now it looks like a Mullet...?

there really is no way to make your hair grow back fast. you should go to someone else and have them fix your hair. you'll need to get some of the back cut off. good luck!

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