Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Will you damage your hair if you dye it right after you cut it?

Okay, Today I got my hair cut, pretty short. I want to dye my hair, but should I? If I cute my hair I've been told the ends will be completely open ( I'm not sure I was told) Kind of like If you peel a scab it is open to bacteria etc... But will the chemicals harm my hair? And I mean both ways, Bleaching your hair (since I have brown hair) or just using storebought dye like Loreal.... Cause I want to dye my hair pink/purple before I go back to school. And I was told you have to wait at least 3-6 weeks.

Will you damage your hair if you dye it right after you cut it?

I usually color my hair after I get it cut because I feel that if I color it before hand then I'm just wasting the dye. Although, I've never heard of not being able to color your hair after getting it cut.

Will you damage your hair if you dye it right after you cut it?

No, cutting your hair is good for it. It gets rid of split ends, etc. BUT bleaching it and ESPECIALLY dying it an unnatural color WILL ruin it. I would not advise dying it or bleaching it. If you want to dye it, use a natural color, please. Those colors are unflattering, as well.

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