Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair. It is a shag and he is starting preschool on Wed. I dont want him going looking all messed up. It is so hard to cut his hair (using clippers, we just cut it close down so we dont have to do it so often) but it takes 2 of us to hold him down (he is big 4' and 61lbs!!) and my husband cuts but it takes like half an hour and he is screaming the whole time. I dread giving him a hair cut but it is really bad this time. We have tried bribing him and nothing works. Any other ideas????

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

We took the portable DVD player with us to the barber shop, and that generally distracted him enough to get the cut done. If you are doing this at home, perhaps a favorite movie, computer game or video game might do the trick as well.

Is there any way you could do it while he was sleeping or right after he wakes up when he's still a little groggy and less inclined to fight?

If it helps, my son is now almost 6 and cooperates with only the promise of the lollipop after the trim. Good luck!

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

just wash it and brush it. but when he grows up u better make him have hair like slash. (if u dont kno slash look him up)

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

Don't refer to it as a 'cut'. 'Cut' ensures that something will hurt. Do take him to a salon/spa that features kids cuts too. They usually have them sit on a horse, in a car and have candy to cut their hair. Also, some salons have haircut parties - it might be a fun idea to try.

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

Why don't you give him something to distract him? He can sense your anxious and it is making him scared! Put some nice music on or better yet sit him in front of his favourite tv show. Don't be nervous. Everytime you cut a peice of hair tell him he is doing great and what a good boy he is.

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

Have him and husband go to barber shop to get their hair cut. After he sees how a big boy does it, he will be more open to it.

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

i have a two year old that used to be that away. i took him to get his hair cut and he thought it was cool because i did it when i had a hair app. he loved it and now he thinks that everytime i go to get my hair cut that he has to go. even if his was cut two days ago. I also told him that if he didnt cry while he gtot his hair cut the first time i would take him to the toy store and let him get a toy that worked great

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

dont worry my 3 year old is affraid too try making a game of it

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

I have a three year old who used to scream bloody murder when he got his hair cut. The bribes didn't work for him either. We've started taking him like every two weeks so it's not so long in between that way he's more used to it. Also maybe it's the clippers maybe the noise scares him. My son has finally quit crying every time he goes and now sits there a gets his hair cut but as soon as she turns on the clippers to get the sides and back of his neck he freaks out and starts screaming. I have to do it at home with a regular razor. So maybe you could try cutting it with scissors or taking him to a salon that will. Hope this helps.

My 3 year old wont let me cut his hair!!!?

i have been cutting my 2 yo sons hair for about 8 months now. I made it exciting, "look at your hair coming off, do u want to touch it" not he just looks at it and is amazed that its falling off. I use clippers also. Try to get him involved some how so that its not the parents Vs Toddler.

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